Reflexology Association of New Hampshire
Promoting Reflexology in the
Granite State
Our Mission
The Reflexology Association of NH (RANH) is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that promotes the ethical and legal practice of Reflexology through information and education. RANH encourages the professional advancement of Reflexology.·
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is the systematic application of pressure techniques to the feet and hands. The nerve pathways in each foot create an electrochemical flow that communicates with the entire nervous system.
Become a Member
Participate in shaping the future of our profession
Earn continuing education credits by attending RANH quarterly meetings and workshops
Take part in RANH meetings for networking opportunities
Share experiences with other reflexologists at quarterly RANH meetings, events and workshops
Leadership opportunities are available
Attention Reflexology Schools & Teachers
The Reflexology Association of New Hampshire is offering a special rate at 20% off tumblers (reflexology is my superpower) when you purchase 10 or more (Plus shipping cost)
Email Judi with your order choices
To purchase your own special tumbler or water bottle, please go to
bit.ly/ranh-tumblers to purchase less than 10
All money collected helps to benefit the advancement of the Reflexology Association of NH.